Say goodbye to your sugar cravings with EFT Tapping

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Ditch your worries about Food, your Weight and Body.

Time to feel amazing in your skin, enjoy Food Freedom
and rock your Dream Body!

without willpower or diets

Time to feel amazing in your clothes,
 enjoy Food Freedom
and rock your Dream Body!

Your body's wisdom is the compass to your dream body!

The holistic body Club is your map!

Picture this

You can open a pack of cookies without finishing the entire thing because you feel satisfied having a few without the guilt -you’re no longer controlled by the sugar

You are no longer shaming & blaming your body, instead you’re listening to it to create more health and energy - and results!

You love the reflexion of yourself in the mirror and buying new jeans no longer sends you down a pit of negative self-talk

You finally feel comfortable wearing your new bikini on your next holiday - no longer having to make excuses as to why you can’t go to the beach. 

No more “I shoulds” and dragging yourself kicking and screaming to exercise… movement is something you genuinely look forward to and has almost become easy.

You’re no longer in your head worrying about calories or the number on the scales and you’re so much more relaxed, present and able to focus on enjoying life. 

Join Now!

This is all possible for you!

And guess what?

Restrictive diets,
food restrictions and excessive exercise were never required! On the contrary.

The HB CLUB is not another weight loss plan, body positivity program or fitness app.



Made for you

Work with your Mind, Nervous system and Emotions for lasting transformation!

The Club is growing with you and me. I create all of the content using my intuition to tune into your energy and needs.

You are the solution you have been looking for! Become empowered to chose your body's wisdom over some diet or magic pill!

No cookie-cutter diet or exercise plan will give you a body you are in love with…if you’re not listening to your body and what it really needs.

You can open a pack of cookies without finishing the entire thing because you feel satisfied having a few without the guilt -you’re no longer controlled by the sugar

You are no longer shaming & blaming your body, instead you’re listening to it to create more health and energy - and results!

You love the reflexion of yourself in the mirror and buying new jeans no longer sends you down a pit of negative self-talk.

You finally feel comfortable wearing your new bikini on your next holiday - no longer having to make excuses as to why you can’t go to the beach. 

No more “I shoulds” and dragging yourself kicking and screaming to exercise… movement is something you genuinely look forward to and has almost become easy.

You’re no longer in your head worrying about calories or the number on the scales and you’re so much more relaxed, present and able to focus on enjoying life.

The HB CLUB will guide you to unlearn anything that no longer serves you, help you connect to your body and it's wisdom, so you can embrace your dream body and radiant health!

You want MORE than just your dream body, you want to have the freedom that comes with having a healthy relationship with your body and food.

You’re tired of yo-yo dieting and constantly feeling bad about your body.

You know that cookie-cutter exercise and meal plans are not the solution and way to your dream body.

You want to heal your relationship with food so you don’t pass on these habits to the next generation (whether you have kids or not).

You want to be able to enjoy food without the extremes of restricting or binging.

You are ready to say goodbye to sugar-cravings and the sugar-shame.

You want to feel more connected to your body, your health & intuition.

You want to feel attractive, confident and amazing in your own skin!

Is this you?

Join the club!

If any of this resonates, you are in the right place!

Wouldn't it be cool...

  • Wouldn’t it be great if you could just have the cookies and still have your dream body?

  • Wouldn’t it be kick ass if you could wear your favourite dress, feel gorgeous and just enjoy the moment with your friends?

  • Wouldn’t it be like Christmas and your birthday combined if you had unwavering faith in your body and it’s abilities to digest food, heal and thrive?

  • wouldn't it be cool if you never ever had to worry about what to eat, what to wear, how your body looks, gaining weight or not losing weight?

  • wouldn't it be fun if you could feel confident when pictures of you are taken?when you see your body in the mirror? 

Look no further!

The Holistic Body Club is what you have been looking for all along!

Wouldn't it be life changing if you never had to worry about what is going to give you the results you desire, the body you dream of and the health you deserve?

The solution was never outside of you. You are the magic pill to your dream body, food freedom and dream life!

Your body is your compass.

The holistic body is your map!

Living your best life embodying your dream body and having the freedom you crave!

1. Self-acceptance and Self-compassion

2. Finding safety

3. Working with your emotions

4. Releasing the past

5. Reprogram your subconscious mind

6. Tap into the wisdom of your body

Become your most magnetic and free self, rocking your dream body and experience unwavering faith in your body's abilities to thrive and manifest a life wilder than your wildest dreams!

The process

You cannot set your GPS if you don't accept your starting point. Self-compassion and acceptance are going to be the catalyst to your dream body. Without them, the journey will be full of obstacles and contentment will never be present.

Feeling overwhelmed and scared you'll never have the body of your dreams.

Unlock your dream body by understanding your body's primal need for safety. Create a secure environment and nervous system regulation, freeing yourself from safety mechanisms like binge-eating, bad habits or sugar cravings. Safety is the most important factor on your holistic body journey.

Unprocessed emotions create imbalance, manifesting as symptoms in the body. Discover how to holistically process emotions, alleviating symptoms and eliminating the need for emotional eating.

Experience true liberation by shedding unnecessary weight from the past. Embrace the profound impact of forgiveness and the art of inner-child parenting to release unnecessary burdens and create space for transformation.

Tap into the powerhouse of change—your subconscious mind. By harnessing the subconscious, you make results inevitable, the process easy and create results on auto-pilot.

With the clutter of the past now cleared away, Module 6 invites you to tune into the wisdom of your body. It's about learning to speak its language, fostering a deep connection. Shift from external seeking to internal knowing, acting from a place of love.


Join the Club!

You are here

Self-compassion and acceptance are the catalyst to your dream body!

A body in survival mode has no available resource to heal. Practice safety to manifest your dream body.

Trapped emotions create imbalances in the body and manifest as physical symptoms. 

Shed unnecessary weight from the past and liberate yourself with forgiveness and inner-child practices.

Tap into the powerhouse of your subconscious mind and create results on auto-pilot!

Your body is the compass and is the answer to all your worries about your body, weight and symptoms. Learn to speak it's language.

The skills

The Club uses and teaches different skills to help you navigate the journey to your holistic body and create a life that you are in love with!

Emotional freedom Technique

Somatic Practices

NErvous system regulation

Subconscious mind rewiring

Not only will you get access to a library of resources and tools ready for you to use, you will also acquire these skills for the rest of your life!

This simple technique which uses acupressure points will transform your emotional state, your triggers, your manifestation skills and your life. Simple but effective beyond measure!

Hello embodiment era! It's time to work with the body and move the energies through it. Yoga inspired and intuitive movement based practices designed to manifest your dream body!

Safety is the most important thing to your body. Knowing how to regulate your NS and return to a sense of safety will be a valuable skill for you to have. 

Learn how to access your subconscious mind and initiate change from inside out with ease. Using hypnosis, meditation and even EFT.

inside the club!

Click the + for more details


Instant access to the HB Framework

Instant access to the HB Framework

The 6 module HB Framework that will teach you how to go from chronic dieter and frustrated about your body to having a healthy relationship with your body, food and movement.
It will cover all the basics you need to connect to your body on the daily and is the process to create any results you desire in life!

Video Library for more Body Freedom

Video Library for more Body Freedom

Get instant access to a library of videos helping you deepen your relationship with your body and food on the go! Just like Netflix but all about food freedom, body image and dream body!

  • Guided Emotional Freedom Techniques sessions (EFT)
  • Audios like Hypnosis and meditations
  • Embodiment practices
  • Yoga practices
  • And much more

Get access to an ever growing library of resources. Each month 3-4 pieces of content will be added.

This part of the Club is based on it's members needs and constantly grow as my knowledge widens.

Monthly New Resources and Call for High-touch support

Monthly New Resources and Call for High-touch support

Every month you have the opportunity to deepen your relationship with your body, movement and food through a mixture of live & pre-recorded calls and resources. This content is specifically designed to support you on your transformational journey.

  • Themed Workshops
  • Q & A to ask all of your juiciest questions
  • Living rooms chats - the private podcast
  • And even more EFT tapping sessions, yoga practices, meditations/hypnosis

A supportive and loving community

A supportive and loving community

A facebook group for you to:

This is your safe space to share and connect in an environment that is judgement free. COME AS YOU ARE!

  • build meaningful friendship
  • get support
  • get accountability
  • feel seen and understood 

When results speak louder than words

When results speak louder than words


Are you ready to live your best life in your Dream Body, having Food Freedom and a respectful relationship with your body?

Are you ready to change your body and life?

Become a Member

+ HB Framework (6 modules)
+ Video Library
+ Living room chats (the pod)
+ NEW monthly content
+ Facebook Community

Monthly Member

$ 77 USD

Become a Member

+ HB Framework (6 modules)
+ Video Library
+ Living room chats (the pod)
+ NEW monthly content
+ Facebook Community

Yearly Member

$ 700 USD

Cancel anytime

per year

best deal

Hi, I am Dominique aka NiQui

I have struggled with my weight, my body image and food for years. To the point where i would start a new diet every Monday and weigh myself 3 times a day! I would drive to the shops at 8pm at night just to get my hands on some sugar. My belly was my biggest obsession and it was on my mind first thing in the morning and last at night.

I am so in love with my body it's almost cheesy!

I have total food freedom - just last night i had three spoons of homemade lemon tiramisu and i was satisfied!

I feel confident in a bikini and even enjoy jeans shopping! (If ya know, ya know!!)

I trust my body to heal and it has become the compass to my dream body and dream life

I enjoy life to the fullest because food and my weight is no longer constantly a source of worry!

Now, I teach women like you, to have her dream body without sacrificing happiness or chocolate, food freedom without willpower and how to have a healthy and loving relationship with you body, weight and food!


Chronic Dieter + Passionately hating my body

Food Freedom Junkie + rocking my Dream Body!

Join now!


How long does it take for me to see results?

How long does it take for me to see results?

Achieving results within the Holistic Body Club is a journey focused on lasting and holistic transformations, emphasizing the resolution of root causes rather than quick fixes.

It's important to understand that the timeframe for seeing results is highly individualized. The journey involves unlearning habits and patterns that may no longer serve you, and the pace of this process varies from person to person. We believe in letting the body be the compass, guiding the path to aligned results.

Your commitment to unlearning, coupled with the body's response, will determine the unique timeline for your personal transformation. However, we recommend committing to the work for a minimum of 6 months to see maximum results.

Do you offer free trials?

Do you offer free trials?

We do not provide free trials. However, we offer a 7-day risk-free, no-questions-asked cancellation policy if you purchase VIP member or Yearly Member. 

What happens after i sign up?

What happens after i sign up?

After you sign up and the payment is complete, you will receive an email with all the information including how to access the Club. You'll also get a link to request to join the Facebook group. 
Once you head into the Club, you'll find a welcome video at the top explaining how to navigate the Club.

What if I want to cancel or get a refund?

What if I want to cancel and get a refund?

Yearly and VIP Member
We offer a 7-day risk-free, no-questions-asked cancellation policy if you purchase VIP member or Yearly Member. If you are unsatisfied with the product, you can message us at [email protected] within 7 days of purchasing to request a refund. Please note that after the initial 7 days, cancellations and refunds are no longer possible.

Monthly Member
If you are a Monthly Member, you can cancel anytime through the portal. 
However, due to the nature of the monthly membership, we do not offer refunds or credits for partial subscription periods.

What does the VIP offer include and how does it work?

What does the VIP offer include and how does it work?

The VIP offer includes 1:1 message support for 30 days, which must be scheduled and used within 12 months of purchase. This support is primarily available from Monday to Friday, with responses typically provided within 8-12 hours. To schedule your 1:1 Whatsapp Support month message us on instagram or via email at [email protected]

You will also be given lifetime access to the holistic body club, the facebook community and  all future content!

Are your reading to step into your Dream Body, have
Food Freedom and become your most Wild + Free self?

I am ready!

Thank you for signing up!