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The only way I can guide you, is if you feel safe enough to let me in. This starts by me letting you in!

Gorgeous soul


I specialise in helping women create their best life by working WITH their subconscious mind, their body and their emotions, rather than against them. The season of shame and pushing through is over. It is time for self-compassion and understanding! You will see results beyond your wildest dreams!

Holistic and inclusive

The fastest way to achieve long term results is by looking at your whole being!

are you READY?

You see, I was not always the person I am today. I used to have huge dreams but struggled with severe anxiety, people-pleasing, fears of making the wrong decision and felt like choosing one passion or career over another was like cutting a limb off. My relationship with my own body was abusive and I binge ate on a regular basis. Shame and guilt were my constant companions. My mind used to be my biggest challenge and sometimes even my worst enemy.

I hold a vision of a world where every woman

Until, I understood that we are all unique, complex beings. There is no one size fits all and my mind is only one part of the equation. As a started to work on my own worthiness, releasing emotions on a physical level but also implementing self-compassion and regulating my nervous system, I began to find more clarity in my business, my relationships improved and I finally found moving my body and making healthy choices for my body NATURAL and EASY!

I got to understand myself and learn to accept who I was on at a core level. My mind is still challenging some days and I still stay in my PJ's until lunch time at times but I accept all parts of me equally and deeply.

  • accepts herself
  • has a loving relationship with her body
  • achieves lasting results with ease and fun
  • understands herself at a core level and thus feels more powerful
  • creates a life beyond her wildest dreams from a place of love

It is time for the loving REVOLUTION WITHIN where we learn to be kind to ourself!

My Story and My vision

Work with who you are to upgrade your habits, thoughts and feelings easily and naturally. This is the fail safe and holistic approach for you to achieve all of your goals and create all of your dreams!

Changing your habits doesn't have to be hard


Here are 7 random facts about me

I am a big fan of the TV show friends. I still literally laugh out loud even after having watched every episode at least 10 times.

I lived in my van called sally for 3 month and travelled through Europe with her – yes it is a her. This experience was actually what started my journey of self-exploration.

I have felt different my whole life and with 34 y/o i discovered that i have undiagnosed Attention Deficit Disorder which i call neuro-spicey-ness!

I can listen to a song I like on repeat for 5 hours straight, 7 days in a row without getting bored with it. I call that my superpower.

I wanted to have my own business since I was a teenager. Back then I wanted to create my own fashion line and save endangered species with the profit. The ideas have evolved over time, however the values always stayed the same.

I love graphic design. Although I never fully trained as a graphic designer, I love to create my own graphics. It wasn’t always like that though – I had a huge creativity block for over 10 years.

I speak 3 languages – English obviously, but also German, more specifically Swiss German and French. Gotta love growing up in a multilingual country like Switzerland. I also like to make up my own words.








Get to know me-

Bragging Rights

350h+ Yoga teacher

NLP Practitioner

TIME Techniques Practitioner

EFT Practitioner

Hypnosis Practitioner

Life and success coach

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